DownGit Trouble
DownGit was a neat solution to download subdirectories of a GitHub repository, so you would not need to download an entire repository if you just want, e.g., a specific LaunchBar action.
This is great until Google marks the service as unsafe. I have also encountered some issues with large subdirectories before, so today I decided to remove this option.
Currently, the best solution is to just download or clone the whole repository. It is not very large anyway.
Another option would be to sign actions and publish official releases. But for me, that would be a lot more work. To be honest, every time I attempted it, I was scared off because it just looked too complicated. I might be wrong, but to me, it seems fair and transparent that you are able to download the very code you can look at on GitHub. For this reason, I also don’t compile AppleScripts but have them as plain text in my actions.
Downloading or cloning the whole repository also has an advantage: It makes it easy to stay up to date with my Local Action Updates action.